Put the blinds down
Keep your blinds down and your windows slightly open during the day time,  just enough to get a bit of a breeze in. The heat will remain outside, and your house will stay nice and cool.

Go green
Nasa scientists, back to 1989, tested a variety of houseplants for their ability to remove chemicals from the air. They found that Boston Fern, Palm Tree, English Ivy, Peace Lily were amongst the best to get a rid off air nasties.

Essential Oils
Essential oils are well-known for their versatile properties and helping cleansing the air is one of them. Essential oils such as eucalyptus, frankincense, oregano or lavender will help to make the air smell fresh and clean!

Water Fountains
Water fountains, not only create calming and soothing sounds to help you relax but they also generate negatives ions that draw all the nasties and waste out. As a bonus, they can be striking home decor features!

Elanra Ionisers
If you want nothing but the best, Elanra is the “creme de la creme” when choosing your ioniser. The Elanra ionisers will not only eliminate the harmful pollutants in the air but they are also the only devices to produce the small, inhalable negative ions of oxygen to help your body to regain its own natural balance. Leaving your house fresh and your body balanced.

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