There are many forms of energy that can exert an influence on the human body, and these derive from a variety of sources.

Magnetism, for example, is a part of the natural environment for all living things. Over time, the artifacts of modern civilization have diminished our contact with the Earth’s magnetic field, and in order to benefit from the natural health benefits we need to counterbalance this effect. We need an aligning or normalizing factor to help produce conditions that more closely correspond to nature.

Another example is far-infrared energy, which has its origin in sunlight, and provides a broad range of energy wavelengths. All living organisms are dependent on far-infrared waves.

But one of the most interesting and naturally occurring forces in nature are Negative ions which are charged particles, and their electrical charge is another powerful energy form.

Generally speaking, ions are molecules that have lost or gained an electron through various atmospheric forces or environmental influences. These ions are either positive or negative in nature and occur frequently. Consequently, we are surrounded by these positive and negative ions, and as it turns out these small but interesting ions have a powerful affect on our moods and possibly our health.

Positive Ions

In nature positive ions are commonly formed by high winds, dust, humidity and pollution and are at their highest just before an electrical storm. This has been hypothesized as why so many people feel so uneasy before a storm and why respiratory problems are commonly reported at this time as well.

Negative Ions

Negatively charged ions are the polar opposite of positive ions as they have directly the opposite effect on your health, mood and energy levels. Negative ions are created when a molecule gains a negatively charged electron. Due to this nature, they are statically attracted to airborne particles like dust, mold and other pollutants and potential allergens.

You have more than likely experience the benefits of negative ions first hand. When you go to the ocean or you are by a waterfall the negative ions make you feel great and you feel energized and refreshed.

Benefits of Negative Ions

Negative ions can help support wellness at the highest level in all areas of our lives including:

  • Our environment – the air we breath, the water we drink, and the quality of our sleep.
  • Our wellbeing – the vitality our body experiences from negative ions.
  • Our emotions – We can benefit from negative ions as they can improve our mood
  • Our spirit – the love we give and the good we do is a wonderful benefit of feeling physically and mentally better

Can Negative Ions be Generated Artificially?

Negative Ions can be artificially generated by electrical devices which use an external power source (electricity) to generate large quantities of Negative Ions. Elanra Negative-Ion Technology is inspired by the principle of natures nourishing energy forces that can help sustain life and aid one’s health and we can reproduce large quantities of negative Ions with our Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved Elanra Medical Devices that help to increase the negative potential in your body and energize your cells.

Our negative ion generators are actively recommended by 93% of customers who choose Elanra Medical Ionizers for:

  • Better sleep
  • Easier breathing
  • Assistance with recovery from illness
  • Help with less severity & frequency of colds & flu
  • Enhancement of your Special Oxygen intake
  • Larger quantities of clean oxygen to improve energy and assists with better concentration & learning
  • Decreased stress and general health & wellbeing
  • Removal of airborne pollutants including passive smoke
  • Pristine oxygen that can help your immune system
  • Allergy & eczema sufferers
  • Reduction of Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Chemically sensitive individuals
  • Better focus and alertness
  • Increase of vitamin absorption
  • Air travel use
  • Motor vehicle use
  • Use in hospitals & nursing homes
  • Home and office use

Elanra Medical Devices are Number #1 for quality and results. The award-winning Elanra Medical Ionisers are included on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods and are globally patented. Our unique devices are able to be programmed to suit your specific health and lifestyle requirements across various frequencies – That is our global patent!

Get 5-Star Care at Home with the Medal Winning Elanra MkII, or for the Journey that is Life we recommend the Elanra MKIII Portable and for everyday health for those on the go we have just launched the amazing New model Elanra Air Pendant.

Scientific Studies on Negative Ions?

The ancients naturally recognised that the air can be electrified and performed ceremonies around electrical storms or to the Oceans. Of course today we can receive the same positive health benefits from negative ions as our ancestors, but rather than face the elements we can do this in the comfort and safety of our own home with Elanra Medical Devices.

This is backed by formal research that dates back to1899, when two German scientists, Elster and Geitel, discovered that there are particles in the atmosphere that carry electricity. These particles were later named “air ions” by the British scientist Faraday. The word “ion” was taken from the Greek language, in which it means to “go” or “wander about.” To date over 5000 studies have been conducted on Negative Ions. Many of these are available on this site. .

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