Nature’s secret to a vibrant Healthy Glow
Beyond cosmetic, it is the air you breathe!

There are many path to beauty and good health. A nutritious diet and a sensible exercise regime are recognised as beauty essentials. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE AIR YOU BREATHE?

The atmosphere in cities is heavy with dust, fume and bacteria. The electrical charge is also out of balance forcing you to breathe more positively- charged air particles than nature as intended. Even indoors, the balance of positive to negative ions is upset by air conditioning, electrical fields from appliances and gases given off synthetic materials.

An over-abundance of positive ions combined with dusty, polluted air can play havoc with the health and well-being resulting in lethargy, stress and illness.You could, however, restore nature’s balance by inhaling small negative ions of oxygen that are missing from modern environments. Small negative ions of oxygen, can help re-balance your body, help restore your energy levels and emotional well-being.

It does not mean negative ions are a magical cure-all. But decades of scientific research has proven that breathing the air that nature intended for us boost the natural body defences, enabling us to fight off infection and speed up the healing process.

As you breathe in small negative ions, the increased oxygen intake will become apparent in a cleaner skin tone, improved mood and increased alertness. At night, the calming effect of negative ions will generate deep, restful sleep.

It is as simple as that!

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