In an effort to reduce air pollution-related health problems within buildings, various air purifying methods have been developed including air filtration and purification by air ionization and other methods.

Domestic ion generators have been developed to eliminate airborne pollutants, allergens and infectious agents from immediate breathing spaces by charging and precipitating airborne particulate matter and creating localized zones of improved air quality.

Negative Ion generating devices have been shown to be the most effective against air pollutants of sizes, 10 microns (PM10) down to the dangerous 2.5 microns (PM2.5) such as dust, cigarette smoke, pet dander, pollen, mold spores, viruses, and bacteria.

It is known that positive ions build up in the atmosphere prior to a storm front, whereas negative ions accumulate following a storm. Some strong moving water produces negative ions and it is common for people to feel invigorated after visiting the sea, waterfalls or rainforests.

Although many ion generators can be effective in clearing the air, few have the capacity for a higher ion ‘output, flow rate and hence speed’ effective over a reasonable distance to the user. These specifications are necessary to provide an additional range of therapeutic effects directly to the user.

“The Elanra produces small biologically active negatively charged ions of Oxygen, pulsed at various selective frequencies that are emitted into the ambient air to be inhaled and ingested via the lungs and into the bloodstream of the patient to produce a positive therapeutic or biological effect.” TGA Registration Certificate for the Elanra range.

Comparison between Elanra Ionisers and other Ionisers

Elanra ionisers have been specifically designed to produce consistently high volumes of small negatively charged ions of oxygen with no harmful ozone production. In addition to the superior output, the user can select from a range of pulsed frequencies targeting different health conditions in combination with the ability to vary the output to suit the health condition sought.

Elanra has global patents on this unique functionality. Up to 144 different health programs are available to suit the individual’s therapeutic requirements. Consequently, with its advanced technology, Elanra has become a leader in the use of air ionisation to provide direct therapeutic benefits beyond mere air cleaning and disinfection.

Literature Review

The scientific study of biological effects of small air ions and negative ion generators has been associated with such fields as meteorology, environment, air quality, pollution, bacterial control, human performance, and health. Consequently, over the last century, a huge body of literature, journal articles, books and conference proceedings have accumulated. It appears Russia, Israel, and Europe are the early and current adopters of this technology, with its application in many hospitals.

Enhanced Vitality and Performance

Air quality and the effect of ionised air on performance was studied extensively in Russia. Clinical and polyclinical institutions provide medical grade doses of negative ions for increased physical work capacity and improving general tone of healthy people. Minkh (1961) reported on the effect of ionised air on work capacity and vitamin metabolism of groups of athletes at an Institute of Physical Culture and Training. The studies showed that daily sessions of negative polarity gave rise to a “considerable increase in general tone, cheerfulness, energy, good sleep, and appetite.” Large improvements were found in endurance to both static and dynamic work as well as ability to keep equilibrium in positions of varying difficulty. Most notable was that negative ionised air had a favourable normalising effect on the metabolism of vitamins B and C regulating their increased consumption in sports exercise.

Much research has focused on ‘sick building syndrome’ where ambient air quality and other factors give rise to adverse effects on occupants. Hawkins in 1981 investigated Air ionisation and office health and incidence of a headache, nausea, and dizziness. He concluded that the use of negative ion generators appears to bring about a significant reduction in the number of complaints of a headache, nausea, and dizziness.1

Richardson in the UK carried out a two-stage intervention study to establish the degree of which indoor air quality could be improved by reducing the number of airborne fine particles. Results showed that an electrostatic air cleaning system could significantly improve an office environment.2

An article on New news service in 2003, reported that repeated airborne infections of the bacteria actinobacteria in an intensive care ward at St James Hospital in Leeds had been eliminated by the installation of a negative air ioniser.3

There is sufficient evidence to conclude that the Elanra Medical Ioniser being significantly more powerful than the ionizers used, will produce improved oxygen uptake, vitality and stronger performance in a work and sporting environment.

In 1962, a group in Philadelphia studied the effects of intermittent exposure to negatively ionised air on surgical patients on the first and second postoperative day.  The sedating and pain relieving quality of this method, observed previously in a large series of burned persons and in repeated electroencephalographic tests was confirmed. No adverse symptoms were recorded.4

Terman and Terman reported the conduct of a controlled trial of high density and low-density negative ions in seasonal affective disorder (SAD) on 25 subjects. They concluded that exposure to a high-density negative ion generator appears to be specifically antidepressant in SAD patients. The 15% response to the low-density ionisation they regarded as a placebo response. The method may be useful as an alternative or supplement to light therapy and medications.5


1. Clinical Study of Negative Ion Therapy, Conference Proceedings, 1961, Levine AL, Finkel M, Handler J, Fishbein WI

2. Reduction of fine airborne particulates in a small city center office by altering electrostatic forces. Sci Total Environ, 2001, March 26, 269(1-2) 145-155. Abstract only. 3. news service;

3 January 2003. Air Ionisers wipe out hospital infections, News item

4. Ionization of the air. The sedating effect of polarized air, David TA et al, Reprinted from Biometeorology, Pergamon, Oxford.

5. Treatment of Seasonal affective disorder with a high output negative ionizer. Terman M, Terman JS, J Alt & Comp Medicine, Vol 1, #1, 1995

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