by Bionic Products | Jul 29, 2016 | Health Tips
Sleep Deprivation Leads to Chronic Health Problems There are many people that struggle with getting good, quality sleep every night. Some struggle with being able to get to sleep, while others have a difficult time staying asleep. Some people are sleeping less than...
by Bionic Products | Jul 29, 2016 | Health Tips
Optimal Health of Your Pets is Important Preventative medicine is not only important for humans, but is equally necessary for keeping family pets with us for as long as possible. Many of us have suffered the loss of a dearly loved family pet a condition that may have...
by Bionic Products | Jul 22, 2016 | News
What types of pollutants can we find indoors? Air is easily transferred from outside and into our homes, offices and vehicles through our ventilation systems. Pollutants like exhaust fumes, pollution from industries, mould, allergens, pollen, radon, pesticides,...
by Bionic Products | Jul 14, 2016 | Health Tips
Sometimes when we’re exhausted, we gravitate toward activities that drain us even more. Or we think we don’t deserve to take a break, so we ignore our body’s whispers for rest. But only in helping ourselves can we help others and do good work. The importance of making...
by Bionic Products | Jul 6, 2016 | News
Ocean Clean Up deploys first prototype aimed at clearing Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 2020 As scientists look to find a way to rid the infamous Great Pacific Garbage Patch of thousands of tonnes of waste plastic, a prototype ocean cleaning system has been deployed...
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