by Bionic Products | Jun 30, 2016 | Health Tips
There are many forms of energy that can exert an influence on the human body, and these derive from a variety of sources. Magnetism, for example, is a part of the natural environment for all living things. Over time, the artifacts of modern civilization have...
by Bionic Products | Jun 14, 2016 | Health Tips
‘It astounds me how so much research has been done on small negative ions over the years in many countries, and yet the results differ so tremendously. They have missed the critical points of this specialised species of Oxygen and its behaviour. I have spent my entire...
by Bionic Products | Jun 8, 2016 | Health Tips
How do Elanra Ionisers work? Elanra’s negative ion generators work by using a method called ‘corona discharge’, which is actually modeled on the way lightning occurs. A tiny current of electrons flow down a needle to its point. The nearer the electrons come to...
by Bionic Products | Jun 7, 2016 | Health Tips
Air Purifiers As the scope of air pollution related health problems grow, so too does the number of people turning to Elanra for a solution. This demand has led Elanra to develop our own unique medical devices that utilise internationally patented ion-generating...
by Bionic Products | May 27, 2016 | Health Tips
There are changes happening in the realm of Nutrition Labelling and it’s incredible news for all Americans! What’s going on? Following 20 years of the same obsolete nutrition panel, the FDA has declared its arrangements to change the nourishment name to...
by Bionic Products | May 27, 2016 | Health Tips
FDA Finds Majority of Herbal Supplements at GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, And Target Don’t Contain What They Claim – Instead Cheap Fillers Like Wheat And Soy Powder The lack of regulations in regards to herbal products helps Walmart, Walgreens, Target, and GNC to take full...
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