by Bionic Products | May 27, 2016 | Health Tips
Negative ions are considered an important contributor to good health, and there are many published studies that suggest breathing the special oxygen, abundant in negative ions can have a significant influence on improved mood with overall mental and physical health...
by Bionic Products | May 19, 2016 | Health Tips
Patients with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) develop more severe critical illness and have higher mortality than patients with non-MERS severe acute respiratory infection (SARI), according to investigators involved with the largest study of critically ill...
by Bionic Products | May 18, 2016 | Health Tips
Manuka honey may kill bacteria by destroying key bacterial proteins. Dr Rowena Jenkins and colleagues from the University of Wales Institute – Cardiff investigated the mechanisms of manuka honey action and found that its anti-bacterial properties were not due...
by Bionic Products | May 5, 2016 | Health Tips
Insomnia Insomnia occurs when an individual experiences difficulty initiating and/or maintaining sleep, and it is more common among the elderly and in women. Most people, however will experience insomnia at some time in their life, as it can be triggered from common...
by Bionic Products | Apr 27, 2016 | Health Tips
Sleep Deprivation Leads to Chronic Health Problems There are many people that struggle with getting good, quality sleep every night. Some struggle with being able to get to sleep, while others have a difficult time staying asleep. Some people are sleeping less than...
by Bionic Products | Apr 18, 2016 | Health Tips
Three Simple Strategies that Guarantee Optimal Health for Your Pet Preventative medicine is not only important for humans, but is equally necessary for keeping family pets with us for as long as possible. Many of us have suffered the loss of a dearly loved family pet...
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